Canarian Palm

From the Canary Islands to the world

The Canary Islands palm (Phoenix canariensis) is almost without a doubt the most appreciated palm tree by landscapers, gardeners and the general public around the world. It has established himself as the absolute and exuberant Queen of the “palmae” family on the five continents. The international trade of this plant has been and is of the first order. Every year thousands and thousands of Canary palm trees are moved between countries and even between continents. From the newly born palm tree, to specimens a few dozen years old. But our Phoenix is going through a rough time in its homeland. 

Let's take care of our palm trees

At CANARIENSIS PAISAJES, we are concerned about the future of our islands' most important plant symbol that represents them. There are several ills that afflict them and the dangers that lie in wait for them, but the most serious is undoubtedly the Four spot weevil (Diocalandra frumenti).

It is a small beetle native to Southeast Asia, which was detected for the first time in the Canary Islands in 1998 on Phoenix canariensis. Its presence is very harmful to the Canarian palm tree, devouring it silently and inexorably if it is not remedied. Unfortunately now, it is present in all the islands except El Hierro and in some like Lanzarote, in a worrying way.

For this reason, we have decided to invest part of our resources in making our particular contribution in order to fight this plague. We hope to be able to do it in an intelligent way and with the appreciated support of the different administrations concerned and, incidentally, obtain some added positive result for Lanzarote.

Winston Churchill seems to have said, "Difficulties mastered are opportunities won."

If you have palm trees in your garden, we will pay special attention to their care. We will try to control the presence of the weevil at an acceptable level, because the complete elimination is quite complicated. If we do your garden project for you, you can get the treatment of your palm trees for free for a year.


Pruning and Felling

Respectful pruning of palm trees and trees
Controlled felling


Phytosanitary treatments Endotherapy
Reasoned fertilization


Transplantation of specimen plants
Application for the necessary permits


Diagnosis of the status of palm trees
Tech Tips


¿Porqué elegirnos ?

En Canariensis Paisajes nos empeñamos en resolver sus problemas con originalidad profesionalismo e innovación  todo esto con 30 años de experiencia en Jardinería respaldándonos.

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